[FREE] Component tools extension

Ok.I will look at this.Thanks very much for reporting :grin:it looks like card view doesn’t work except with its properties.That means it have setCardElevation() and onTouch event.I will try to make it work.

Can you make a simple extension to get touch info anywhere on screen
Not with specific component
Get touch details any where on screen

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It looks like i will add it.It can be made here also.Maybe in the next update ( that will be a really powerfull one ) but i have a problem that again the is crashing when i touch any thing again. :confused: i will need to fix it first before i start doing any thing.

Can you also add a rotation move from start to end degree as in the AnimationUtilities? Since now there is only a setter for rotation not a move. That would be great!

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Didn’t understand you.You mean it moves while rotating?

I mean it doesn’t rotate animated, we can only set the rotation static or instantly. Or do I miss something?

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You mean it rotates with a duration?

I think he wants to rotate a component on its own axis, like how we do using phase.

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Something like this:

So it can be made with another extension.

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Hi, to perform a click for a label component is there need to register the component or it can be directly clicked by using the perform click method

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Yes, it can be directly clicked by perform click method.
Note.if you registered a component and then used perform click method.The component built-in click won’t be fired.Instead the extension’s touch event will be triggered.

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Fantastic work @Mohamed_Tamer!
It have so many useful blocks :grin:

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thanks very much @Atom_Developer :grin:

A suggestion you can add a block in your extension which highlights specific text in a textbox or label

I know there is an extension which does it but it would be great if you can add the feature in your extension too

Also you can add a block, to allow selecting some text of a label like in textbox we can do


I will try :+1:

There is already an extension for that:

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Hi Mohamed,

I am making a game with this extension and the canvas component. The extension works great!
The only thing that i’m facing now is that the width/heigth of the components and sprites as well are diffrent than the pixel value of the extension. I think it’s 3x smaller than the pixels of the extension. Maby a tip if there will be a update coming, is to add a width / heigth block to the extension.

But for now i have one question. What kind of pixel size do you use?
Kind regards,

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I’m really happy with that :grin: thanks for using the extension :+1:

For which block?

I will look at this :wink: i think its possible.


for all the blocks. When i want to place a component at the end of the screen, i look for the screen width. The screen width is somewhere around 670 px, but to place the component there, i need to
multiply that amount with 3 times to 2010 px.

So the pixel size of the extension is 3 times bigger than the pixels of kodular.

That would be great! :grinning:

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I don’t know why is that? :thinking: i will take a look :face_with_monocle: :face_with_monocle:

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Thank you in advance! :smile:

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