[FREE] Custom List View - An Extension for making Image and text list view with a lot of customization

No lucky Sumit, my list was in Vertical Scroll Arrangement, but i change to only VA (and even HA) and now is only showing 11 itens in a list of 14… here my blocks:

Thanks for this screenshot, my search box also worked

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Call UpdateTitle this way when item is swiped.

But make sure you have enabled the animation by blocks.

blocks (3)

Well, It can not possible. First make sure you have added all of your item to the list properly.


Print the length of all title and post it here. Your blocks does not seems right to me.

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hello ,
can i use different images for etch item?

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I tried everything, but’s not showing all itens.

My blocks:


(Inside arrangements AND directly on screen)

If i put the list in the top of all components, directly in the screen, shows 11 elements… if i put in the right place only shows 6-7 itens


I found a way to list all itens… disable this option in screen

But is not a solution, because like this any others components “disapear” if I put in the top, and if i put in the bottom the list stay out of visible screen… any sugestion?

I even found a way to do what i want, but now the extension is not showing 1 item of the list, whatever the lenght of the list.

BTW, is there a way to sort the list in the ascending order?

I figured out what is going on… I’m using BottomMenuz, this extension is overlaping the last item. The problem is If i put an space to limit the BMz occupation, my list turn back to show 6-7 elements

(Sorry for flood this way)
I got to solve the problem that the list is not showing right - just was uncheck that option in screenshot and set my VA to 50% (automatic and fill parent does not work for my case)

Now I just have do sort my list… how can i do that?

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Yes. :smiley:

Use List Addon extension to sort your list in any way that you want. After sorting or filtering, you can simply add those sorted item in list view. You can also use your tricks and logic to sort lists with inbuilt blocks in any way.
Let me know if you face any problem but make sure to try this own first. I will help you if you sticks anywhere.

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Is there a save feature to make it permanent?

google firebase?

I can’t pass without Thanking you,
Wonderful work

what is the use of secondary text?

Extensions is great and filled with features, but it crashes the companion a lot. Everytime I change something, it crashes. Moreover left and right swipe was working initially, but not anymore. Have tested it on some of the test apps. Any guess what might be wrong?

First of all I want to say that the extension is very good!!! but I have more items in my List but it only shows 6 items

my blocks:
Ekran Alıntısı

Edit: When I reduced the text size and the image, I realized that it actually brings the elements but does not show them. I’m trying to scroll but it doesn’t scroll down :confused:
Edit2: I solved. Definitely not extension related… Try fixing some layouts and you’ll figure it out.

Hi !

Did you use the aix file from the very first post or not? Because I had the same problem with the first file, but if you are using the latest version here, it should work

I love this extension. I’ve suggestion to make it expandable. I’ve used deephost expandableListView, but it crash a lot and no other update of it.

Thank you

This extension is for showing title and subtitle list. There is no need of expanding items I think. You should go with custom views to achieve it.

I would have thought about it if you hadn’t given me example of Deep host extension.

Thank You !


Great extension.

But I have a lot of problems.

If a CloudDB tag changes, then the corresponding entry should move to the first position.
That works great and I realized it as follows.

After the movement, the first entry in the list (position 1) and the second entry in the list (position 2) return the value 1 as index - so I cannot continue working because the events work via index and I use the first entry get back even though I pressed the 2nd value in the list !?

Someone an idea - or can it be fixed?

Hi Perhaps you can help on this issue

I refresh the list with a button but every time I refresh the list, the data doubles, and triples and quadruples and repeats for however many times I refresh the list… This also happens on Dynamic List as well.

Any help appreciated

Hello Tony,

use this


Hello @gipfel1334

can you fix my problem?