[Free] CustomDialog. My 10th extension

Hello @varsha I just checked the update and now the dialogue becomes invisible on initialization as expected.

Though there are some points that I would like to mention

  1. the dialogue background color doesn’t becomes transparent
    I used the following blocks to make transparent color but it remains to green(set from designer)

blocks (96)

Look at below screenshot

There is a button at the bottom of the screen. I set the background color of the button as well as the dialogue(VA) to green from designer
And on screen initialization I made both of their background color to transparent using mentioned blocks.
The effect is seen on button background color but not on dialogue(VA)

  1. It would be good if you provide something like this :point_down: to center the dialogue

If u wnt to set. Background transparent then set int 0

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U can set the value x is horizantal and y is vertical for centre dialog and
It is possible to make block but i dint make block bez some one wnt to set dailog cornor,or top middle etc so this x and y is easy to set as per user choice

But this x and y seems to be more confusing as the calculation isn’t easy to get. Having blocks for the same is more preferable

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I was also trying to figure out how to center the custom dialog as it might look different to different screen sizes (Although I’m not sure if it will).

This does not work:
blocks (2)

Use this version

Hello @varsha This version doesn’t contains any block to centre the dialogue. Any reason behind not providing the blocks?

In that version the Postion is Fixed at Center.
I think its the Original Extension before I asked to add the Position Feature to it.


Oh…ok. But I still think that having blocks for setting the dialogue gravity is a good thing. And so I was just trying to ask the developer , if there’s any reason for not adding the related blocks…


Yes maayur ur right…

What about answering this? @varsha

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Sorry to say I m busy in another extension so when I’ll get time then ill do…


hey my app is not supported when i am using this extension.
i am not using the latest version because i don’t want to set it position.
so, i am using a previous version with cardview support and dialog cancleable.
and size is 6.2 KB.

please help me

i am using it on a cardview.
i am creating a dialog box at home initialize

now working

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Great Extension @varsha!!!

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@varsha can you please remove the navigation bar when dialog shown.

@varsha i have set the x and y parameters it is showing in center in my 6.6 inches screen but when i move to 5 inch screen it shows the dialoge near screen left how can i make it center on any screen size

Try using this :point_down: version which places the dialogue always at the center of the screen

Note:- This version is prior to the latest one


Aquí les dejo una imagen para que sepan como centrar el popup o cuadro flotante.

Esto dará como resultado que el cuadro este centrado de forma vertical y horizontal.

Inicio = el espacio en el que queremos centrar nuestro cuadro flotante (ejemplo: en la imagen estoy usando la Screen llamada “inicio”)

Popup = el cuadro flotante que queremos centrar.

Antes de ver los ejemplos quiero que entiendan a lo que me refiero con algunas cosas:
· popup = cuadro que queremos centrar.
· x = medida horizontal = width.
· y = medida vertical = height.

Ejemplo: es matemática básica, lo que hacemos es tomar la medida horizontal (x, width) del contenedor y dividirla a la mitad, sin embargo, también hay que restarle a eso la mitad de la medida x(width) de la ventana que queremos centrar para así acomodar el “popup” justo al centro ya que su punto de movimiento es a la esquina superior derecha y no es el centro. En cambio, si el punto de movimiento del “popup” fuera su centro, hubiese bastado con saber cual es x/2 (width/2) del espacio por el que se va a mover el “popup”.