[Free] CustomDialog. My 10th extension

Oh…ok. But I still think that having blocks for setting the dialogue gravity is a good thing. And so I was just trying to ask the developer , if there’s any reason for not adding the related blocks…


Yes maayur ur right…

What about answering this? @varsha

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Sorry to say I m busy in another extension so when I’ll get time then ill do…


hey my app is not supported when i am using this extension.
i am not using the latest version because i don’t want to set it position.
so, i am using a previous version with cardview support and dialog cancleable.
and size is 6.2 KB.

please help me

i am using it on a cardview.
i am creating a dialog box at home initialize

now working

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Great Extension @varsha!!!

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@varsha can you please remove the navigation bar when dialog shown.

@varsha i have set the x and y parameters it is showing in center in my 6.6 inches screen but when i move to 5 inch screen it shows the dialoge near screen left how can i make it center on any screen size

Try using this :point_down: version which places the dialogue always at the center of the screen

Note:- This version is prior to the latest one


Aquí les dejo una imagen para que sepan como centrar el popup o cuadro flotante.

Esto dará como resultado que el cuadro este centrado de forma vertical y horizontal.

Inicio = el espacio en el que queremos centrar nuestro cuadro flotante (ejemplo: en la imagen estoy usando la Screen llamada “inicio”)

Popup = el cuadro flotante que queremos centrar.

Antes de ver los ejemplos quiero que entiendan a lo que me refiero con algunas cosas:
· popup = cuadro que queremos centrar.
· x = medida horizontal = width.
· y = medida vertical = height.

Ejemplo: es matemática básica, lo que hacemos es tomar la medida horizontal (x, width) del contenedor y dividirla a la mitad, sin embargo, también hay que restarle a eso la mitad de la medida x(width) de la ventana que queremos centrar para así acomodar el “popup” justo al centro ya que su punto de movimiento es a la esquina superior derecha y no es el centro. En cambio, si el punto de movimiento del “popup” fuera su centro, hubiese bastado con saber cual es x/2 (width/2) del espacio por el que se va a mover el “popup”.

I get this error. Why?

by using this above method…u can adjust your position…
i want to suggest that dont use previous version… because it will help for bottom cards top pop cards

just change /200 value and /300 value

@ombhat327 ,can you explain the logic of what you propose?

well he is just telling how you can place it in center position

You still never gave me a reason for the error

if I uncheck the option to make dialog cancelable, app crashes on startup

I think this is because the extension is not loaded yet, and if I use the block “DialogCancelable” after using the block “call CustomDialog DialogBox” then it works fine

I am trying this extension and it works perfectly, except for one thing:

I am using one arrangement with a label and a button. No matter what width I set in the arrangement design, the dialog always appears with this margin of about 20% in the left and right side of the dialog. I would like to set the arrangement to a personalized width, like 90%, 94%.
I tried it with another dialog extension and it didn’t work either. Is it a bug or it should really work this way?