[Free] Dating App πŸ’‘, an app for connecting people, like Tinder

I present to you a project that I did a while ago as a training, it is a dating app (similar to Tinder).

I hope it is useful to you, I did not plan for it to be a production app, that is why it only consists of one app, without administrator apps or administration panels.


  • Clean and minimalist UI
  • Login with email and password, or Google account.
  • Cool bottom bar
  • Firebase database
  • Live chat
  • More…

APP apk for test

DatingApp.apk (6,6 MB)

Donwload .aia file

DatingApp.aia (1,1 MB)

Do you need a custom project?

PM me for custom projects (Delivery app, Ecommerce app, taxi app, etc.)



Nice , can you give its tutorial link

Your apps always have a very good UI. Extremely professional. Congratulations

1 Like

Just change the Firebase credentials in the project and put the realtime database rules like this:

  "rules": {
    ".read": true,
    ".write": true,