Extended Canvas Flood Fill Extension
Introducing the Extended Canvas Flood Fill Extension for Android app development, a powerful and versatile tool designed to bring advanced flood fill capabilities to your apps. This extension is a perfect solution for developers looking to implement custom graphics and interactive art features in their applications.
The Extended Canvas Flood Fill Extension offers a range of functionalities:
- Flood Fill Circle: Apply flood fill within a specified radius from a point, perfect for creating circular patterns and effects.
- Flood Fill with Density Control: Adjust the density of the flood fill to control the spread rate, allowing for more artistic control over the filling process.
- Point Size and Density-Based Flood Fill: Combine point size and density for a granular control over the flood fill pattern and spread.
Efficient Bitmap Handling: Utilize
for efficient pixel manipulation, ensuring smooth and responsive canvas drawing operations. - Dynamic Filling Options: Support for various filling parameters like color, radius, density, and point size.
- Memory management: The extension has good memory management.
Download and Contribution
You can download the Extended Canvas Flood Fill Extension and contribute to its development:
AIX: com.bosonshiggs.extendedcanvas.aix (19.8 KB)
ExtendedCanvas.aia (26.5 KB)
Contribute: If you wish to contribute to the development or suggest improvements, please visit our GitHub repository.
Support and Contact
For support, queries, or suggestions, please reach out through our Telegram.
Note: Your financial support drives the development of high-quality, innovative extensions. Donate here!
Feel free to use this template as a starting point and modify it to include specific details about your extension, such as the download link, GitHub repository, or support channels. The template is structured to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the extension and its functionalities.