But if I add this permisaion by following your guide only for android 11 and publish my *aab on playstore will it be approved?
see here when it more likely will be approved
You should request the
permission only when your app cannot effectively make use of the more privacy-friendly APIs, such as Storage Access Framework or the Media Store API. Additionally, the appâs usage of the permission must fall within permitted uses, and must be directly tied to the core functionality of the app. If your app includes a use case thatâs similar to the following examples, itâs likely to be allowed to request theMANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
- File managers
- Backup and restore apps
- Anti-virus apps
- Document management apps
- On-device file search
- Disk and file encryption
- Device-to-device data migration
Are these two blocks fixed now with new version or there is no any new version?
path not create automaticly not create!
i need create path automatic.
please update the extension.
I wonder why the get file size not working in my app,
it just show 0 of 0.
Did you try my test APK?
just try it and it work perfectly with my phone android 12.
the get file size work with both ASD checked or privatedir checked.
i look at your blocks, and the file size part is packed, what i do now is get file size by id > get global id , as how the tutorial told in the first post and it is not working in my app.
Anyway i save the file in ASD directory, i use your installAPK extension to point the path with the AppSpecificDirectory block.
when i use ID
blocks to show file size or other purpose then show
An awesome extension, very easy to use
Fetch v1.1.0
Fetch downloader v1.1.0 is avilable now
New Blocks
Some new blocks have added for more reliability.
This event raises when download progress changed. This is a replacement for old OnProgress
because of new parameters. If I added these new params in old block then many projects would be corrupted on updating the extension.
This block ask the write permission from user. You can use this blocks according to your needs.
Returns true if the write permission is granted.
This property, if set to true then the bytes returned in Progress Changed event will automatically converted to suitable units. This will help you to reduce some blocks.
Some blocks has been deprecated and would not work anymore and will be removed in future updates. Make sure to migrated to new blocks.
This event is deprecated since new event is added as replacement. This block wonât work anymore and will be removed in future updates. Make sure to migrated to the new Progress Changed
Extension has been updated on the top post.
Thank You
Error from Companion: invoke: no method named `AutoConvertBytes' in class com.sumit1334.fetchdownloader.FetchDownloade
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
My app is crashing when i use this extension on android version 14 see error logs
Exception com.tonyodev.fetch2.exception.FetchException: This fetch instance has been closed. Create a new instance using the builder.
at com.tonyodev.fetch2.fetch.FetchImpl.f
at com.tonyodev.fetch2.fetch.FetchImpl.a
at com.tonyodev.fetch2.fetch.FetchImpl.c
at com.tonyodev.fetch2.fetch.FetchImpl.c
at com.sumit1334.fetchdownloader.repack.W.a
at com.sumit1334.fetchdownloader.repack.aK.run
at android.os.Handler.handleCallback (Handler.java:958)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (Handler.java:99)
at android.os.Looper.loopOnce (Looper.java:257)
at android.os.Looper.loop (Looper.java:368)
at android.app.ActivityThread.main (ActivityThread.java:8826)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run (RuntimeInit.java:572)
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main (ZygoteInit.java:1049)
The download link isnât working.
Is the extension removed by the developer?
If so is there a alternative?
Download it from Github Fetch-Downloader/com.sumit1334.fetchdownloader.aix at master ¡ iamwsumit/Fetch-Downloader ¡ GitHub
thanks for the link taifun
but seems like that .aix is of the older version
will check for alternatives, thanks
When using this block , app crashes when that screen closes or back pressing, please fix this bug
Or is this to use in screen1 ?
I get this error when the extension initializes:
One of RECEIVER_EXPORTED or RECEIVER_NOT_EXPORTED should be specified when a receiver isnât being registered exclusively for system broadcasts
What on earth does it mean
This is a know bug, would be fixed in next update.
However, there is no schedule of update for this extension, so you might now use alternatives.