Image List View
Introducing image list view which is similar to inbuilt list view but with more customization and additional features.
All Blocks:
Designer Properties
Explanation and Usage:
Initializes the list view in an arrangement like vertical arrangement. First initialize the list view before creating list view.
Add a single list item with title, sub title and image. You can also use loop the add multiple items to the list.
Set the list items at a time from the list of titles, subtitles and images.
Removes the list items at specified index.
Update the list item at specified index.
Smooth scroll to the specified position, here position is index.
Clears the list view
Filters the list with keyword and case sensitivity control.
Returns the currently set list of titles, subtitles and images.
Returns the selected title, subtitle, image and index.
Note: Index starts from 1
Set the padding of list view item, title, subtitle and image.
Set the padding as string of comma separated integers which represent padding as LEFT, TOP, RIGHT, BOTTOM
Other setter properties are self explanatory.
V2. com.thekstudio.ImageListView.aix (34.3 KB) Without check box.
V3. ImageListView.aix (39.3 KB) with check box
Great work. Will surely try this. Can you add some more features like.
Circle icons
Making image bigger like the custom list view extension developed by the person who’s name is forbidden in this community(deep…)
Library you have used
Any plans to make it open source with copyleft license.
Thanks again for your contribution.
1 Like
Circle icons
Making image bigger like the custom list view extension
Will try this.
Library you have used
No external library is used.
As of now no, I will continue developing it. In future may be.
1 Like
@The_K_Studio again a Great Extension …
Very Well Done
Great Extension @The_K_Studio
1 Like
Show your blocks and what is the source of your image, if you are showing image from assets then it will not show in companion.
thanks for the extension. I use your extension in my app. simple and reduce block and component usage
June 10, 2024, 11:44am
Online photo not support this extension?
Currently it loads image from assets and local storage. I will add image loading from online source as well.
June 13, 2024, 7:24am
Great job!
lists are convenient to reflect.
Is it possible in the future to shuffle the visible list (changing the position in the list by DragDrop)?
You can shuffle list before adding it to the list view using listutilz extension.
June 13, 2024, 5:36pm
I’m talking about being able to drag elements on the screen using the DragDrop method
1 Like
(Franklin Ortiz)
June 13, 2024, 7:11pm
With recycler view? or is it not necessary as it is already integrated in the builder?
I didn’t get you what you mean.
(Franklin Ortiz)
June 13, 2024, 9:36pm
Ah, I mean it integrates the recycle view library or at least it can work with that library to not saturate the memory or freeze the apk if you want to show 5k to 10k elements?
This extension is based on simple list view, there are already number of extensions exists on recycler view.
I want to keep it simple, and easy to use.
August 12, 2024, 11:40am
Give me version 3 download link