CheckBox in a listview

Hi everyone, please, how can I add a Checkbox to a listView? I would like to create a memo of work to be done and I would like to mark the work done as completed, thanks in advance to everyone, bye


I am currently working on to include checkbox in my ImageListView extension below:

Hi my friend, nice to meet you, I thought my project was “EASY” but it doesn’t seem like it, I’ll wait for your developments, it’s not an urgent app anyway, I hope you manage to finish your project in the meantime I’ll look for your news on the matter every time, Thank you

You can create it by using dynamic component extension. it’s easy …

Thanks my friend but I looked for it in the extensions department and couldn’t find it, can you tell me what it’s called? thanks and bye

I found it, but I already had it…! :person_facepalming: :person_facepalming:

Hi, I have added checkbox to the list view, would you like to test it? Dm me I will share it for testing, after testing I will release it.

Hi, sorry but I was out of town for work and couldn’t answer you, I’d be happy to test your project, let me know if you want to send me your file so we can test it, bye :slight_smile:

Try this: testing version: ImageListView.aix (39.3 KB)