Neumorphic Design
Hello everyone, Today I am launching my new extension i.e Neumorphic Design. This extension helps you to modify your layout with neumorphic designs
Thanks @amanjain9515 for sponsoring this extension
So without wasting our time lets see some blocks and documentation.
All Blocks
These event raises when component click or long clicked
This block convert the given arrangement to neumorphic design with a unique id and given shapes. There are two shapes in properties.
This block set the background color of the neumorphic layout
This block set the shadow x,y positon of the layout
This block set the border of the layout
This block set the blur radius of the layout
This block set the style of the layout. The styles are present in properties.
This block set the corner radius of the layout. It is only applicable in recatangle shape.
This block set the visibility of the layout
These are shapes properties. It is used in Created Card method
These are three styles properties.
Click to download the AIX
Make sure to use suitable version of extension
Thanks to @Shreyash for his super Rush .
Thank always Kodular for being with myself
Suggestion and issue are welcome
If you like the extension then like the topic
Thank You All
If you like my work then donate if you can