[FREE] New extension for parsing JSON


This Kodular extension is designed to simplify JSON parsing within your Kodular projects. It provides a set of blocks that enable you to easily work with JSON data.


  • Parse JSON strings into Kodular variables.
  • Access JSON values by key.
  • Traverse JSON arrays and objects with ease.


Parsing JSON

To parse a JSON string, use the ParseJSON block:

JSON Parser Extension
    ParseJSON [JSONString]
  • JSONString should contain the JSON data as a string.

Accessing JSON Values

Once you have parsed the JSON, you can access its values using the GetIntegerValue block:

JSON Parser Extension
    GetIntegerValue [attributeName] and store in [destinationVariable]
  • attributeName is the key of the JSON value you want to retrieve.
  • destinationVariable is where the retrieved value will be stored.
JSON Parser Extension
    GetStringValue [attributeName] and store in [destinationVariable]
  • attributeName is the key of the JSON value you want to retrieve.
  • destinationVariable is where the retrieved value will be stored.
JSON Parser Extension
    GetDoubleValue [attributeName] and store in [destinationVariable]
  • attributeName is the key of the JSON value you want to retrieve.
  • destinationVariable is where the retrieved value will be stored.
JSON Parser Extension
    OpenJSONObject [JSONString]
  • JSONString is the key of the JSON object you want to traverse.
JSON Parser Extension
    OpenJSONArray [JSONString]
  • JSONString is the key of the JSON array you want to traverse.
JSON Parser Extension
    OpenObjectInArrayByIndex [index]
  • index is the index of the JSON object you want to traverse.
JSON Parser Extension
    OpenArrayInArrayByIndex [index]
  • index is the index of the JSON array you want to traverse.


Here’s a simple example of parsing JSON and accessing its values:

When Screen1.Initialize
    JSON Parser Extension
        ParseJSON "{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30,\"height\":\"1.78\"}"
    JSON Parser Extension
        GetStringValue "name" and store in global Name
    JSON Parser Extension
        GetIntegerValue "age" and store in global Age
    JSON Parser Extension
        GetDoubleValue "height" and store in global Height

In this example, we parse a JSON string, access its values by key, and store them in global variables for later use.

Download link

Release v1

Source code on github

JSON Parser on Github