[FREE] OneSignalPush: Integrate latest OneSignal SDK (5.0.2) in your app to send Push notifications [DEPRECATED]

big extension


Explain better. If I have a project with less than 5 extensions, can I not use this extension?

Extension size is 3.4 mb. So normally there’s no need to use it in Kodular. It can be useful if following two conditions are met

  • you have premium account
  • firebase auth component is conflicting with extensions
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Definitely you can’t use it without Premium.
Extension itself is more than 5 mb.

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OneSignal setup tutorial:


how to integrate this extension in kodular?

How to import an extension is described here


when i import this extension in kodular then show error and this works only in mit app inventor

What about revealing the error message?

it not working for my application, i get this error
invoke: no method named `Init’ in class java.lang.Boolean
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds

It will not work in companion.
Try in apk.

Alternative I’ll recommend as aix size is just 492 kb.

Not yet completely tested with Kodular but I am sure it’ll work.

Regarding OneSignal, I am waiting for updated proguard rules to minify aix size.

I use this extension but i got this error in playstore. any solution?

<meta-data android:name="com.google.android.gms.version" android:value="12451000"/>

Remove this line from main extension’s /files/component_build_infos.json file using any Zip software.

How to use it with android 13? can you show me blocks?

Do you know how to use it with android 12?

not actually, please show me blocks. thank you

See first post at the top.

ChangeLog Version 3

There was a minor change needed to send notif to all subs which I have done in v3.


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