(Sunny Gupta)
September 17, 2023, 11:26am
Purchase Paid extension
OneSignalPush Extension
This extension ships with one of the most stable One Signal SDK which is (4.8.7) . You can easily receive push notifications sent from OneSignal dashboard in your app.
You can send notifications to all subs and individuals. You can send a customized notification also.
1. Overview
LatestVersion: 1
Released: 2024-04-29T18:30:00Z (UTC)
Last Updated: 2024-04-29T18:30:00Z (UTC)
Permissions: android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE , android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS …
### 1. Introduction
This extension ships with latest One Signal SDK. You can easily receive push notifications sent from OneSignal dashboard in your app.
You can send notifications to all subs and individuals. You can send a customized notification also.
Latest Version: 3
Last Updated: 2023-12-08T18:30:00Z
2. Blocks
3. Usages
Thanks to @Gordon_Lu for apk
5. Support me
It takes a lot of time and labour in creating one such extension.
Your donation will motivate me for sure.
Upi: vknow360@apl
Thank you.
Hope it helps!
(SN Videos)
September 18, 2023, 7:44am
Can i receive OneSignal Push Notificitions ???
(Sunny Gupta)
September 18, 2023, 8:13am
Proof that it works. @SN_Videos @Rindao_Narzary
Message sending feature will be added in next update but I won’t provide that unless you guys show some support.
1 Like
(Md Toha)
September 18, 2023, 9:16am
Does it work with Firebase auth?
(Sunny Gupta)
September 18, 2023, 9:27am
No, it doesn’t work with firebase auth for now.
But, it doesn’t mean it can’t work in next update .
Everything depends on the kind of response I’ll be getting.
(Sunny Gupta)
September 18, 2023, 11:29am
Tutorial about adding your app to OneSignal.
September 18, 2023, 12:55pm
It would be convenient to indicate this in the publication, so that they are not constantly consulting or presenting errors referring to FB.
1 Like
well done its working now after trying gain n again
(Sunny Gupta)
September 18, 2023, 3:34pm
What buttons do we need to press, and in what order, to “subscribe”?
Init → Initialize OneSignal sdk
Ask → Ask notification permission (manadatory for Android 13)
OptIn → Subscribe to push notifications
If everything goes right then Label text will change to a list of 3 items: isSubscribed
, pushToken
and userId
[Optional] You can set external id (generally name of the user or something like that) by inputting value in textbox and then clicking Login button.
Add Tag
adds a tag Device with value Android to the user.
Will the app then receive a notification from the onesignal dashboard ?
Yes, even if app is closed. Clicking on notification will lead you to app and then clicking Init will retrieve notification information.
Does this have to be done on each use of the app, or is it a one time only thing?
Initialization should be done every time app is opened only to retrieve notification which opened app otherwise it would be done internally.
What are all the other buttons (the ones not used above) for ?
Clear Notifs
removes notification.
September 19, 2023, 6:23am
great extension .i use firebase aunth so i cant use that . i hope fixed soon
Which file I want to download?
(Sunny Gupta)
September 23, 2023, 11:30am
These two:
Import and add both to screen.
(Md Toha)
September 23, 2023, 3:29pm
i hope fixed soon
Please fix it. Also add option to send notification to multiple users at once
(Sunny Gupta)
September 23, 2023, 4:11pm
What if you replace Firebase Auth component with an extension? That’s an easier option for me.
Sending feature is done.
It shows false dialog on Android 13 when I click Ask. How to fix it?
(Sunny Gupta)
September 27, 2023, 12:41am
Kodular doesn’t target api 33.
That might be the reason as in AI2 I can see the permission dialog.
For now click on false and it will open app settings.
September 28, 2023, 7:13pm
This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.
(Хозяин Гоши Гительман)
September 29, 2023, 9:47am
To use this extension you need to have a premium account!!!