[Free/OS] [Ver 1.1 Asteroid] Razorpay Payment API Based Extension

may be its was the problem of razorpay.

hello is file update or not

It is working

Project continued

Finally i found . Thanks for your contribution

There is no need of python… I already did it with the help of PHP and curl​:joy::joy::joy:And giving additional features like- PAYOUT, SETTLEMENTS,REFUNDS, PAYMENTS, PAYMENT LINKS & MANY MORE…Now anyone don’t need to upload any scripts or files on his hosting…Only need to put API key and secret Id to extension :yawning_face::yawning_face:
Price- 200₹ / 5$:upside_down_face::upside_down_face:

Deploy the project on production mode then it will work , I think !!!:slightly_smiling_face:

As you use PHP it is not secure because your hosting it in your Server

I can do the same for free. As i ahve domain still not doing because it may abuse any privacy of my user

Anyone can make a video on this
how we can use it
please provide
if you can do

Hi @Enderman,

Can you please tell how to prefill Email with Blocks so that the user does not have to enter it again.

In URL returned Event. how do we add Email parameter to the returned URL?

You Need to modify the script

Hi Shreyansh, I will try to edit the script and test it to see if it autofills the passed email.

Will let you know if it works, Thanks!

Is this Extension acceptable by Google Play Console?

Here is the modified index.php script which supports Email & orderId as a parameter: index.php

In the Blocks, enter your credentials (Test or Live).

I have not used Razorpay extension instead I have created I new procedure for it which supports new parameters like email & orderId. The scripts by @Enderman were used as reference and I am really thankful to you Shreyansh!


Q. Why implement orderId?

If you dont pass orderId to Razorpay, your payment won’t be auto captured. Hence you would have to manually capture the authorised payments which would consume your time.

Q. Why there is no iconUrl as parameter?

In this Razorpay_URL method, the iconUrl is not passed so it directly displays the logo you set in Razorpay → Settings.

Q. How do I set theme?

Open the index.php, in data-theme.color → Set the color that matches with your app.

I would also like to get some Feedback from you @Enderman. I really appreciate your initial efforts as your scripts kind of gave me some idea about where to get started.

Aia for this one: Razorpay_withOrderApi

Would love to get some feedback!

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Thanks for modifying my script. Actually I am not that active as before (Still uses it like twice a week )
I guess you joined kodular this year .

You can do a pull request if u want as it is OS

[spoiler]Kodular is not like before, many koders that I know have been leaving the community [/spoiler}

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It is not working with credit card in 000webhost

Hi, which script are you using? Can you show photos of the error? Are using the script with orderId?

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{“error”:{“code”:“BAD_REQUEST_ERROR”,“description”:“The back format is invalid.”,“source”:“business”,“step”:“payment_initiation”,“reason”:“input_validation_failed”,“metadata”:{},“field”:“back”}}
Getting this error just after the payment complete.