Alright. Long string it is. I’ll start working on this. Don’t worry, apps using the username will NOT break.
The message that i have to wait is gone. My username has changed to
The error message i had before is still the same when testing.
Sorry. I accidentally pushed a bug and now I’m pushing a fix (pushed the fix). You’ll need to download a new extension from the dashboard by the way. The fix has been pushed, so please reload your page.
I really like testing this. I hope you get it working.
I get this now.
As you can see i have a sammy object
I have updated the extension and used the url.
Thanks for the info. I’ll try to fix this. I have no idea how bugs are showing up randomly and getting past testing.
Maybe make a test aia that works for you and then let others test it?
Okay. I’ll do that. There will probably be like a million extension updates during this process.
Still working on trying to get this extension to work. I ended up ‘releasing’ this mess?
I’m actually making quite a bit of progress now though.
I am already curious to test.
Just wait, I’m building an update to the extension right now. It’s really almost ready.
Edit: Oops, forgot to increment the version and it’s using a cached one. I need to rebuild it.
Edit 2: It doesn’t work. I’ll keep working on it.
Does anyone here know how to make a GET request from an extension? It would be really helpful, since that’s what I’m trying to debug. Java is a mess.
Simply open an HTTP URL connection to that URL and read output or error stream.
That’s what I’ve been doing this entire time. Can you send a code sample so I know if I did anything wrong?
This might be helpful for you:
Thanks! I’ll have a look.
You are welcome.
I forget you can have a look in the web component get block code.
Thanks once again!
You’re welcome