[FREE] ScanView -ZxingView Version 2- Extension

@hacibee add Kodular Barcode Scanner in your project.

just adding it? no need to use the block?
i have try it not working
Small_Scanner(1).aia (926.1 KB)

this is my file if you need to check it

i have add this barcode to my project,the scanner still doesn’t appear

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I couldn’t open your aia.
it has issue’s.

Can you share a working aia?

Ok people!:

ScanView2.2: Tested on motorola G7 power, kodular companion 15.0 C fenix.

1Âș thanx for the AIX @Silver (you don`t how much appreciate).

2Âș Yes @GuidoBruno it’s read PDF417 (thanx God). But
 you need Set the Arrangement in vertical and W:100% H:100% also autofocus ON and Aspect Tolerance 1. Couse pdf417 it’s difficult to decode; cose id’s are so small and cellphones cameras are not for that. (PDF417 format).

3Âș The stop scan just do that (stop scan) but it’s attached to an arrangement, so
 it’s doesn`t “finalice it”.
for that reason i create an arrangement only for that (see blocks), that’s always non visible and only show up when scann.

4Âș Don’t work in companion cose you have to attach to an arrangement, that’s all; can be a dynamic one, but i not recommend, cose it to much work setting up. (in that way you can enable it in companion).

5Âș For large projects don’t use chrome or navigators based on chromium (like edge, brave, etc) instead use Mozilla Firefox (tested on a low resource PC; Dell inspiron one 2320 4gb of ram, no video card).

6Âș This not the solutions but it’s a solution. (Silver can breath a little bit more :rofl:)

7Âș Thanx to all of you for share your knowledge, time and resources with people like me. :kissing_heart: from Argentina.

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Thank you @Jonathan_Andres_Urbina_Ca for the follow up, I am happy you found my extension useful.

I am sure this post cam help others.

Happy Koding!

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Thank you friend! :partying_face:

You don’t know how much the extension helps me.

I hope that my post is helpful to those who face problems, because it was quite difficult for me to understand the reason for and why the “errors” :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I hope it is also helpful to you to be able to review the extension and see where the problems may be coming from. :muscle:

And thank you very much for the extension.

I know that there are some minor issues in ScanView, but I don’t have the time now to issue an update, but when I have, I will sure do.

If you had any question you can PM me and I will be happy to help.

Happy Koding!


 i know what is don’t have time for.

Id like to know, how you make extensions (software used). Cose i like to create a “widget” like component.

Thanx for everything.

You can use Rush;


Wow thanx! i need create a extension to connect with supabase to.