[FREE] ScanView -ZxingView Version 2- Extension

Announcement: 07/07/2024
Help Needed
ScanView Version 3?
Hello Koders!
I am now free to contribute to the community again, I am planning to release new unique helpful extensions, but for starter ScanView needs a major update, I want someone to help me read this entire thread and collect all ScanView issues so I can fix it, and also collect any update ideas old or new, if you can help please do!, and send me your results as PM.
any unique useful extensions ideas are welcomed.

Reminder: 22/01/2024
if you have any issues using this extension, please read this post comments, you may find an answer to a problem you are facing, if not feel free to PM me or comment your issue in this post, I will try my best to help.

Post starts here!

Hi All :grinning:

I renamed ZxingView extension to ScanView, this version fixed many issues occurred in many android phones, and tested on more then 30 devices from different brands and from Android version 4.4 up to Android 10.

What’s New!:

- Front Camera support!.
- Added new blocks for customizing ScanView UI.
see ScanView v2.1 links below.
- Scanning a barcode from an image path.
- added After Scan beep!.
- Support for App Inventor 2 platform.
- reduced the extension size by ~30%.

Please excuse me for not posting any images for the blocks because I am very busy at work these days but I will post it as soon as I can , there will be an aia file attached in the bottom of this post with each block is commented what it do.

Thank you all and stay safe! :tulip:

ZxingView Version 1:

To Do:

  • adding a block for setting the Barcode format.
  • adding Designer Proberty UI for this extension and more!

Issues Not fixed: ScanView 2.1 and below. see ScanView 2.2 UPDATE

-This extension is not working in Companion yet. FIXED in ScanView 2.2 without Zxing Library! and Kodular Barcode Scanner with it.
-ScanView is not working alongside with Kodular Barcode Scanner. FIXED in ScanView 2.2 without Zxing Library! and Kodular Barcode Scanner with it.

ScanView 2:

com.silver.scanview.aix (526.1 KB)
ScanView.aia (524.1 KB)

ScanView 2.1: UPDATE

What’s NEW:

  • new blocks added for Controlling ScanView UI.
  • fixed a bug, Thanks @rizu.

Thanks to @rizu and @Mohamed_Tamer @themaayur for testing this release.

com.silver.scanview.aix (527.4 KB)

ScanView-v2.1.aia (526.3 KB)

apk 1:
ScanView v2.1.apk (5.4 MB)

apk 2: Thanks to @rizu for providing it.
ScanViewRizu.apk (5.4 MB)


ScanView v2.1 without zxing library.
com.silver.scanview.aix (56.0 KB)

ScanView 2.1 with Qr generator

Use this Qr Generator version from @vknow360:
Qr : Read and Create Qr/Bar Code offline - Extensions - MIT App Inventor Community


And this ScanView version:
com.silver.scanview.aix (649.9 KB)

Test aia:
scanviewwithqr_test.aia (662.8 KB)

ScanView 2.2: UPDATE // 14-12-2021

What’s NEW:
-This version is now working in Kodular Companion.
-This version is now working with Kodular Barcode Scanner. Kodular Barcode Scanner needs to be in the same project with ScanView 2.2, otherwise ScanView 2.2 will not work.

com.silver.scanview.aix (56.0 KB)
scanview2.2.aia (67.6 KB)

For any issues & updates, Please PM me.

PS: when the Front Camera is selected as the active scanning Camera, if the device has a support for Front flashlight then the FlashToggle block will work also for it.


I’ve used code from this link.


Amazing update :tada:

P.S: you can edit your topic instead of Creating new one :wink:


Thank you @Mohamed_Tamer

I’ve started a new topic because I renamed the extension to reflect what it do exactly, otherwise updating the old post is the way to go. :tulip: :grin:

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Congratulations !
Another Great Job !

My Teacher about extensions

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Very good.
Congratulations on giving your time to contribute.


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Awesome ! :clap:

Btw, Have you added this in the new Update :cat:

P.S : Thx for Adding it :grin: Just now checked the extension :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Amazing extension @Silver! :smiley:

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Error found

This error came, “I started app and closed and started and closed the app and started”

I closed your other topic. Please next time use this one for an upgrade. Everyone gets one topic.


I think to fix this error you will have to add the builtin scanner component

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Hey, @Silver
I tried to update the extension my project, but unfortunatly it didnt work.
So I created a test apk to check, still the same.

Here are Blocks and Apk

Apk : BlondeScarletHalibut (2).apk (5.4 MB)

Can someone test the apk and post your feedback.

Note: Allow Permission Manually.

One Suggestion : In this version there is a blue area near scanner, unlike the previous version. If possible then please change it :upside_down_face:

Great job!) I agree that the blue color should be changed to white or given the opportunity to think on your own

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Thanks for the upvote @SlavaSeven

Is the extension working, have you tired it ?

@Silver as you know, you should follow the name conventions.


thank you @WatermelonIce
@Silver see also here



You have to ask for CAMERA permission and grant it to your app, I can ask for CAMERA permission from inside the extension, but I felt to leave this option for the koder, and regarding the blue color around the scanner view, I will add new blocks for controlling it’s color and opacity and other blocks for fully controlling the scanner UI.

The error is fixed now, in two days I will post version 2.1 with issues fixed and full blocks for controlling the scanner UI.

@Rogerio_Rios Thanks :tulip:

@WatermelonIce @Taifun Thank you for reminding me, it will be fixed :tulip:
@Peter Done! :thumbsup: :tulip:


I know that, I have given that permission manually in the test apk.

But still it dosen’t detect the qr even it’s inside the scanner area.

Did you tried my test apk ?

This would be great !

I tried the apk posted by @themaayur.
For me the camera’s focus keeps on changing without any result.


@Vaibhav try the attached aia file, there is a block named SetAspectTolerance, it accept a float value from 0.1 to 1.0, for some HUAWEI devices it needs to be set to 0.5 for the best results. The default value for this block is 0.1.

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