Recently there were some topics about generating qr code offline and storing on device and thus I got idea to create Qr extension.
It basically creates and reads qr and bar codes offline from file.
Latest Version: 5.3 Released:2020-03-20T18:30:00Z Last Updated:2024-06-10T18:30:00Z
A short documentation for the extension…
Bar Code Decoded
Event raised after decoding bar code with result and bar format
result ~ text
barFormat ~ text
Bar Code Generated
Event raised after GenerateBarCode method with response and filepath.If any error occurred during encoding then filePath value will be empty.
response ~ text
filePath ~ text
Barcode Formats
Returns a list of barcode formats which can be either encoded or decoded.Some formats can be encoded and decoded both like QR_CODE and CODE_39.
**Returns : List< String >
Decode Bar Code
Tries to decode barcode from given path.
filePath ~ text
Generate Bar Code
Generates barcode to given path with provided hints.
text ~ text
filePath ~ text
logoPath ~ text
height ~ int
width ~ int
fileFormat ~ text
barFormat ~ text
charset ~ text
margin ~ int
bgColor ~ int (Color)
barColor ~ int (Color)
A lot of thanks to Kodular for this awesome platform
6.Updates/Bug Fixes
ChangeLog Version2
Bug Fixes/Changes
Replaced relative filePath with abstract filePath in DecodeQrCode and DecodeBarCode methods.But both Generate methods still use relative filePath.
ChangeLog Version3
New methods
Added BarcodeFormats method
Removed some Qr related methods and events.Now you can generate qr using GenerateBarCode method by using QR_CODE as barFormat.
Now it will automatically ask for Read and Write permissions if they are not granted/disabled.
ChangeLog Version 4
Added logoPath parameter in GenerateBarCode method
Changed package name to com.sunny.qr from com.sunny.Qr
The extension does not ask for any permission and uses absolute file paths
ChangeLog Version 5
New blocks Normally should not be used
Removed redundant barFormat param from DecodeBarCode method
Added barFormat param in BarCodeDecoded event
Bug Fixes
Fixed assets logo issue in GenerateBarCode method
ChangeLog Version 5.1
New Blocks This property forces encoder to use the specified shape Accepted Values:NONE,SQUARE,RECTANGLE
Auto scaling : bar codes will be now automatically scaled to match correct rotation according to height and width
Some internal changes
ChangeLog Version 5.2
Internal changes in reader method to increase its efficiency by a huge. Now, you can provide it a non-pure barcode which may have other objects too, and it’ll correctly read from there.
BarCodeDecoded event’s parameters can be either a list or string now, based on number of barcodes found in the image. In short, it is possible to read multiple barcodes from an image.
Do you know any litterature about the exact algorithm converting text to QR code and v.v? (not mean sites or programs which convert input text).
I know the pattern for one-dimensioned bar code (EAN-13). If you could suggest something about QR code it would help me.
I mean the mathematical pattern of how the position of little squares in the image are transformed to text and vv.
Like in EAN-13 bar code, the set of numbers are evaluated are trace vertical bars of a certain width, separated by blanks of a specified width.
I was aware of it. It seems that algorithm of QR is much complicated than EAN-13. I didn’t manage to find any information more.
Anyway, thanks for your interest.