You can try these extensions to fulfill your need, in the meantime, when I get some free time I will try to add image capture functionality to ScanView.
Feel free to try any of those extensions.
if it didnât help. PM me.
Hi, Thank you for the ScanView extension.
I have a question please.
Afterscan, how do I make the scanview screen goes away? I want option to turn off the ScanView screen but after start scan it just stay on the screen, eventhough I added the stopscan block to the afterscan block.
@Silver i think you need to update the extension as itâs not working in Android 13, i ask camera permission and it works in APK, but we canât test in companion.
@Shanmuga Testing ScanView extension in Companion have issues since the first release, I couldnât fix that issue back then and unfortunately now I have no free time to investigate it.
If someone who successfully uses this extension, please show your blocks on how you got it to work?
Using the companion 1.5B.3 Fenix, I can use the scanner and successfully scan barcodes. When I compile and install the APK, I receive an error message: Runtime Error. Failed resolution of Lcom/google/zxing/BarcodeFormat;
I read above that I need to also use the internal scanner. Looking for successful blocks that someone was able to use.