[Free] Youtube API Extension : Get Everything by API 🥳

show blocks again

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now it’s nice :grinning:

i am happy now

be respectful always.

Here are the blocks

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you are sure your api key is correct?

and does this aia works for you with your api key?

yes the api key is correct i am 2022% sure

and the aia works perfectly

umm then can you try removing getvideodata from initialize and add a clock with 1 second interval?

still not working

lemme create a new api

it should work and you have to enable clock on initialize and interval to 1000 and when timer call getvideodata

i have done that only

and this is the result coming

I think you should probably wait for the developer’s response.


i can wait

First you should use GotError block .

used it but no change came!

and also it shows no error

does it work in kodular companion

Hey @Abhinav_Ranjan
are you a kodular user…?

yes. i am .

So where are you trying this extension.