Friends give me a hand in choosing which map component to use

Guys, yesterday I already asked for help on the map component, today I ask for your help with the Google maps component.
The idea of ​​the project is to use custom markers and maps.

Which of the two tools has this possibility?

Another help, does anyone know any extension to work with geolocation?
To measure the distance between objects, to determine the location “50 meters north of an object”, to calculate the direction of an object, etc.

Google Maps , Location Sensor ,Clock…

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With Googlemap component can I get personalized markers? I’m looking for a way but I haven’t found it.
Can you indicate how I do it?

As far as I know, you cannot customize the markers.
But, your question was about another subject, correct?

I asked basically which of the two components allows me to customize maps and markers.

I just read this …

Customizing markers I think is not possible … here at kodular …

It is difficult, the maps component allows me to customize the markers and GoogleMaps allows me to customize the map.

Maybe you can help me with another question about to the maps component. I’m wondering how to work with the Feature from Description method, it seems to me that I should create a list, but I don’t know how.

I also couldn’t find an example.

What’s that ?


As I understand it it would help me convert GeoJSON to my markers, but not how to use this stuff.

I don’t know … I use google maps … this is the map … read the description?

Yes, I read, the component description in the Appinventor documentation is even clearer than here at Kodular, but I still can’t get it to work.

To be registered the solution of the last question and help those who go through the same difficulty.

Now I need to find out how to delete this marker that is inserted dynamically. :crazy_face:

Through the database