From 1 Aug 2021 targetSdkVerion = 30 (Android 11) for new apps!

Important Note
From 1 Aug 2021 every new app must target Android 11:
targetSdkVersion = 30 !
See also here.

Kodular (and AI2) has not yet released a corresponding update (up to now). Therefore it is currently not possible to publish a new app in the Play Store unless you manually set targetSdkVersion to 30 in the decompiled APK.
EDIT: You must also use AAB for new apps! (*So my guide is obsolete, see here.)


Kodular is still targeting Android 10.


They put it on a test server, and it works.

I wonder what prevents them from making a release on github?

We are releasing a bugfix update on Monday (or a bit later), which may NOT include that Target SDK change (as we are waiting for MIT).


The File component and the entire filesystem has been completely redesigned, but it’s not finished yet.


If Kodular adopts these changes, there will be an avalanche of user questions and problems. Then I’ll have to take a longer vacation. :wink:


Just insert targetSdkVersion 30 instead of 29 in the AndroidManifest.xml :sweat_smile: during the build

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What does this mean “during the build”?
As I said you must use AABs for new apps.

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Community live users will peak after update :rofl:

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I think we will see the absolute climax when the targetSdk=30 update (possibly with the new filesystem) comes.

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No stress just relax, no stress just relax, no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax,no stress just relax :crazy_face: :joy:


Like all of my apps intend … :smiley:



Can I push an update to my old app on play store or not?

Yes, you can.

Yes you can update app till November…

… until the end of October.

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

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can someone help me how to change api 29 to api 30?

If you want to publish a new app in the Play Store, you need to decompile the AAB and set targetSdk = 30 (because you must use AAB from August 1st for new apps).

As far as I know, there is unfortunately no (generally) working tool with which an AAB can be decompiled.

If you want to release an update in the Play Store, you can do it as usual (without changing targetSdk or anything else, until the end of Okt).