Get score from webview

How can I get score of a player from web view game to my kodular app
So that I can show leaderboard to my app

What type of game of coded in webviever.
There are many methods but depend upon coding of game in html.

Can you tell me for this game

This game belongs to you

This game is not made my me

Are you going to earn money with showing ads in your app? You are only allowed to show the games on a website not in an app. It seems you didn’t prepare yourself good enough and didn’t read the terms of service.

So you mean that I have to make my own games to use

I mean that before you take someones property you have to see if you are allowed to do so. We see a lot of users who think they can take anything what they find on the internet and don’t educate themselves on the concept of copyright.

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@Pulkit Imagine you created that game and someone copied/using your hardwork…
How do you feel?
You need to know if you are allowed to use it according to their terms and conditions/ you are personally allowed…
Anyway you can make it, but its against their policies…