Getting AAPT Stage error in compiling

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Please first search the community. This question is asked many many many times before.

i tried package name changing also deleted all the objects from asset then also its happening i searched the community

Tell about your project. Number of screens. Show your blocks. etc.

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i have some errror in my block that i am fixing now and i have 2 extension 1 filestools extension and 2.Extended downloader i have almost 12-15 screens

Ok. Lets see if it works after you have fixed your blocks.

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This does not work correctly in Kodular.

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You must think of reducing them. Use multiple Arrangements on same screen whenever possible.


Did you come across this in your search

Nope i will check in winrar

hey peter i have copied screen using winrar as i was unable to do in kodular when i started the project

i think screen doesnt matter in my previous app i used 25 screens approx

It may not, but just a general suggestions :slightly_smiling_face:

So i guess this is probably causing the issue. Do you have a version still without this? I hope you make frequent backups of your most important projects.

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I have solved all the block but still the problem insist I have share aia with one of the member hope to get it solved by him

show your screen1 advanced properties screenshot from designer…

i guess u didnt named package name in correct format. :thinking: :thinking:

Issue located and fixed, just awaiting for him to confirm it…

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Thanks a lot Boban for helping me :innocent: :innocent:

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What was the issue? Share it here so that others can help…

The issue was that there was space in screen name eg Screename was- Hello World
So the error was coming
Then the screename was chnaged to
(Helloworld) without space then the apk compiled.
The screen was copied using winrar.