Kodular Community
Build failed! Server error performing build
(Boban Stojmenovic)
April 24, 2020, 2:33pm
1107×758 20.1 KB
Why the my app is not exporting and not showing any bug
Kodular is unable to compile this project
I unable to build my App into apk, "the compiler error output was"
Error Build, need i little help :)
Server error building app
Export apk doesn’t work, invoking AAPT, stuck at compiling source files
Exporting to apk file went wrong, stuck at "Compiling source files"
Error trying to generate the apk of my app
Unable to Compile app without any error: The compiler error output was
Getting AAPT Stage error in compiling
I found an error in building apk, stuck at "Compiling source files"
How to solve AAPT problem?
Export apk doesn’t work, invoking AAPT, stuck at compiling source files
App Not compiling into .aab or .apk
Export apk doesn’t work, invoking AAPT, stuck at compiling source files
Kodular failed to compile the project, stuck at "Compiling source files"
I can't Compile my app
Error exporting app, stuck at "Compiling source files"
Compile Error - Not the server
Error exporting my app - "Something went wrong!"
Problem with ________Compiling source files
I have problem in export app in apk any solution -Something went wrong!-
Some think went wrong error when building the apk
YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed
Can't compile apk - AAPT error
YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed
Error converting to apk
AAPT Compilation Error
App is not Exporting (Compiling source files)
Problem to build my app in apk (Compile error)
Something went wrong!. Build Failed due to complie stage! May 2022
YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed
Error in export APK
I cannot Export my project
Not exporting app error
YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed
Kodular is unable to compile this project After New Update
An internal error has occurred while clicking on Color Option
YAIL compiler - DX execution failed
Error during compile, stuck at "Generating manifest file"
Apk not Export and Compiler i not find where i do mistake
Something went wrong!
Unable to compile apk
RE: Build failed! Server error performing build
I cant open my project because of An bug extension
Something went wrong when I try to generate apks or aabs, stuck at Generating manifest file
Compiling stops at "Compiling source files"
Urgent help - YAIL compiler - AAPT execution failed
Does my kodular always have a problem. I can't export the apk I made. can't change color. Is there a solution so that my account doesn't have an error
Package name? or other problems?
Unable to export apk, stuck at "Compiling source files"
Compilation error
I cannot export my application with apk. It gives a production error
I can't generate apk, it doesn't show error
Application doesn't export
An error when I export the project, stuck at "Compiling source files"
Not able to Compile APK. Any suggestions?
Problem when exporting apk
The app has two screen1?
Something went wrong! compiling stuck at "Compiling source files"
I'm not able to compile the app, server error
Unable to Compile app without any error: The compiler error output was
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