Google ad manager

how to activate my account in Google ad manager to put ads in my applications

If you don’t have a good number of downloads, I will not suggest you to go for it now.

if you have more than 1000 DAU (Daily Active Users) then go for Google AdManager. or atleast 700 DAU.

But I was reading and it says in the forum that it is up to kodular to approve an application, could you give me information about that. or ad manager has nothing to do with it?

[quote=“Dhiraj_Kumar, post:2, topic:178116, full:true”]
If you don’t have a good number of downloads, I will not suggest you to go for it now.
[/quote]I don’t understand this. I do not have a big number of downloads and activated users, then why can not I use admin? What type of monetisation could I use?