Google play error: To release an update to your app, update the target API level by August 31, 2024

“Your app currently targets API level 33 and must target at least API level 34 to ensure that it is built on the latest APIs optimised for security and performance.”

New applications cannot be uploaded in PlayStore now. Tried comiling decompiling aab files with multiple applications…getting errors at each small step. Its frustrating and demotivating. If its that easy, why kodular is not looking at the issue? I am paying dollars for what? errors? Why this community is discussing ways to get around Google Policy and why no one is discussing about Kodular’s basic responsibility?

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I moved your topic into the correct thread… you might want to read the answers in here, especially


Dear Kodular team My entire projects are build on Kodular. I will be totally lost if the updates are not provided before November. I request you again - please update the API Level. Hire someone if needed. Please Team.


Plz provide api 34

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@Kodular Please Please Please Update the API , very few days remaining , we have to update our apps and publish them. :pray:

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I have commercial projects that no longer run on Android 14.
What do I tell my clients? Can they call Kodular?

@KodularCreator could fix the native component incompatibilities one by one, and release constant, incremental improvements instead of crashing every project in the world to release a single, gigantic, problematic update?

I pay for premium to have a better service, but I have the feeling that after it became paid, everything got worse. It seems like someone took the money and went to the beach.


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Hi everyone, I personally recommend the method Jewel posted to solve the problem. I personally already did it and the update was published in the Play Store, no problem.


Nice to hear . Still hoping for Kodular to solve the issue . I recommend Kodular to hire Jewel Sikder as a Kodular Developer


Here is the link to the publication where it is explained in detail how to do the process.


Is there any Update ? We are really worried. Please Do something Team @Kodular @pavi2410 @Taifun @Vishwas

No, sorry…

It looks like you forgot to read a few answers in this thread… and as you tagged me, I will give you again personally my advice, whis is:

Be wise and ask Google for an extension until Nov 1st and do your updates and whatever you have to do now while still using target sdk 33.

As soon as we get the sdk 34 release you have to expect new bugs anyway… and it will be real panic then when something does not work… then you are really out of other options…

Later (next year?) when some bugs will get fixed and others most probably not as always, then you might be able to finally use the sdk 34 release…


@Taifun the problem is not the publication, that has been overcome, I have already done that myself.
The problem is the native components, such as Image Picker and others, which simply stopped working in Android 14.
A native component that does not work is a disregard. Even worse if you are being pay for it.
And this could be solved incrementally, one by one, with constant daily updates.
To get around this I have to swaped native components for third-party components, change the project and test everything again.
What do you suggest in this case?

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@Orsy_Compras You solved the publication how ? Guide me please

Did you target sdk 33?
What exactly does not work with the image picker? Did you search the community?
Start a new thread for this
Also what exactly are “others”?


Everything is wrong here, if you implement updated extensions for api34, when compiling the kodular libraries they become obsolete and generate new problems. I already went through that entire process and my best option was to migrate my projects

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Ok. But where migrations?

I’m on Linux, how can I do that?

i’m very regretful to say this, i can’t wait for kodular update anymore, it’s very frustrating being a user of kodular, please anyone let me if there any other platform with api level 34 where i can transfer my kodular projects… i would be very thankful :pray:


every other builder is already using sdk 34
you can find a list of other distributions here App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps


We are only a few days away from the deadline and we still don’t know anything about it?