Google play error: To release an update to your app, update the target API level by August 31, 2024

Your app has been detected to target an older version of Android. Google Play requires all applications to meet target API level requirements to provide users with a safe experience.

Starting August 31, 2024, you won’t be able to update your app unless your target API level is more than 1 year from the last Android release.

Hello, I received such a notification from Google Play today. Should I manually fix the error or will the Kodular update the target API soon?


At this moment as a quick solution you might use this CLI tool to change target API level.


I also received this same one. Why kodular not update this platform we really need an update of api and in app billing component please update the platform to the latest one.


Hello kodular team @Diego

We are facing api level 34 issue and in app billing version issue please update this platform we really need this platform

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Don’t panic… today is July 4th…
Every year this is the same procedure…
Currently there is nothing to do… just wait…



Also same issue is showing in my play console account. Request to Kodular to Update Libraries so we can fix this error


You need to wait for AI2 to release the update to production, subsequently it will be released in Kodular.

You can track the progress here: Technical Preview: Android SDK 34 Update - News/Announcements - MIT App Inventor Community

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Maybe you could make a sticky from this. Because there will follow tons of posts with this issue,as every year.

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On Kodular when these updates come


I went to publish an app on the Google store, but it wasn’t possible because the Google Play Console is giving an API error alert. It says I need to have an API of 34, but Kodular doesn’t have that option. Has anyone faced the same error?


Read it again, it is only a warning…

Don’t panic… today is July 5th…
Every year this is the same procedure…
Currently there is nothing to do… just wait, build yout project with target sdk 33, publish it and ignore the warning…

There might be someone suggesting you to use a tool to modify the manifest, so it looks like your app is already targeting SDK 34. This however will not really help, because there are also behavioral changes to consider



Apparently there is no way to just ignore the warning, as the posting screen does not advance so that the publication can be completed without first resolving this error.

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See here

Starting August 31 2024:

  • New apps and app updates must target Android 14 (API level 34) or higher to be submitted to Google Play


You will be able to request an extension to November 1, 2024 if you need more time to update your app.



It is already requiring API 34

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What happens if you click “Mas información”?




I mean that Google says “As of August 31” but the truth is that it is no longer a notice or warning, but as of today it already takes it as an error and does not allow updating.


Let me repeat my question


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I understand what you mean, requesting an extension, etc.
What I am saying is that why do they indicate that it comes into effect as of August 31 if it is already a requirement.

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Actrually I do not know…
you could help if you could just post the information, which is available after clicking “Mas information”… I’m now asking you the third time…


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