Guide - How to create dynamic marker on maps

This tutorial was created to answer the questions in this post.

I use google spreadsheet as database.
source by @akim_akim

Calling data from the web

Save data/response

Create dynamic markers

Create marker properties (infobox, title and description)

How do I detect which marker is clicked?

Choose a marker based on sequence number?
(List picker)

Marker selection procedure

All Global blocks


Video demo

Marker_akim.aia (24.7 KB)

Bookmark and share this tutorial with your friends who are looking for it. Hope it is useful

if you used Google Maps read Here


nice thyank you

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r u indian?

Im :kodular: kodularian… :innocent:


:grinning: :smiley: :smiley:

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Respect! I bow!

I thought I can only use the ANY components if I use dynamic components (e.g. dynamic button)!

Good afternoon! and how can I do the following: 1. create a database where registered users will be; 2 display the location of these users

  1. Seacrh CRUD for google spreadsheet. Or what database you want (mysql, airtable etc).
    Get user location for first running app, and sent to database
  2. Read database (location ) and display on maps

This tutorial is written before the ​​update kodular fenix.

I would like to do via Firebase

Here 50+ results of firebase

How can I allow the user to add a marker?

CRUD database

Allow user to send location to db

Search crud spreadsheet on forum