HackTest - Steps toward increasing Security

You can Use Two Database For Verification Like
When Users Got point by Doing something then Store it in First Data base And When The App Gets Close Or Screen Changes store the Data Of First Data Base To Second data Base and compare Data Of Both if Its Same Then Ok Or If its Grater then second data Base Data Then Take actions… system same As a Game Called Clash Of Clans. (this was the System used by Them previously when i use To Play that game)


Any screenshot of results

Yes :+1:t2:
This is what they do.
The modified value is verified from the online server. If the value is same then it doesn’t do anything, else it shows “Client and server are out of sync”.

You are little bit close to my method…

But not at all…

But remember it’s still offline… no firebase,no airtable only tinydb

Verifying tinydb data with Firebase data if its Same then ok else ban.

TinyDB values are easy to hack as they are stored on your phone itself.

But I am not using firebase…
I’m continuously saying

it is totally offline

Try on my app… it’s totally based on tiny db…
Change point to non 100 number

Share me a video if you have hacked it…
And how so that I’ll try to protect it…

Cheat Droid offers a similar tool.

I found that you are saving values in Points tag.Am I right?

You are Encoding data or say number in one Tiny db and one as Usual and Comparing both if they are same then decode and set number to label else set tinydb1 to data of second tinydb.


I’m storing it…
Now what happened next​:sweat_smile::joy::joy:

That’s correct :star_struck::star_struck:

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Btw how this error came…

I just Changed Encrypted text of Second TinyDB.

I’ll solve that too…
That not came in my mind :joy::joy::sweat_smile:


I am using the free version so it does not provide all the features and thus the file never gets saved.
Let me hack the Cheat Droid first.


But still point will be restored :sweat_smile:

First Db name is Point
Second DB name SecurityPatch.

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