Help after updating kodular, unbound location null

I checked out Kodular Fenix (v1.5.0) Bug Tracker before creating a new topic

Describe your issue

After the update, my app no ​​longer opens

Steps to reproduce the issue

Expected Behaviour

Actual Behaviour

Show your Blocks

Android version


Please use some common sense and fill out the entire form.


Everything worked before with kodular 1.5.1 and today with the update the app is not public and closes. What should I fill out as a block?

1 Like

Name of the app, screenshot of your blocks, if possible few sec video can be add for the better understanding

Ok, you can add you APK, list of extensions you used, also screen intialise blocks,.

Any splash image are you using?

No, I don’t use it

My app use web viewer, after 1.5.2, my app can’t open, open and close immediately.
My app use Spreadsheet_Extension ver 11, androidid ver 2, customWebviwe ver 10 + side_menu_layout + start app banner and unity interstitial + DONT USE SPLASH SCREEN.
It work with companion.

09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.Baxolino.Akku.Manager/io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1}: /tmp/1631727692618_0.37055352105743056-0/youngandroidproject/../src/io/kodular/bgpsdr/BatteryManger/Screen1.yail:1473:45: unbound location null
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at$H.handleMessage(
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at$
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: /tmp/1631727692618_0.37055352105743056-0/youngandroidproject/../src/io/kodular/bgpsdr/BatteryManger/Screen1.yail:1473:45: unbound location null
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at gnu.mapping.Location.get(
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1.lambda403(Screen1.yail:1473)
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1$frame.apply0(Screen1.yail:69)
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at gnu.expr.ModuleBody.applyN(
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1$frame.applyN(Screen1.yail)
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at gnu.expr.ModuleMethod.applyN(
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at gnu.kawa.functions.ApplyToArgs.applyN(
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at gnu.mapping.ProcedureN.apply1(
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1.$define(Screen1.yail:10265)
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        at
09-16 01:47:20.832  3776  3776 E AndroidRuntime:        ... 9 more

that is the protocol.

That’s his app/package name


Yes exactly, I just don’t know where the error is in the app. Everything worked with the version of kodular (1.5.1) before the update

1 Like

I found a very old AI2 topic about this

Okay, everything worked with version 1.5.1 of kodualr I hbae didn’t want to change anything today after the update to check whether everything works and unfortunately it doesn’t

1 Like

I have these extensions all in the app

what should I do to make everything work again. everything worked before. since kodular released the update 1.5.2 yesterday, nothing works for me in this app

I moved your contribution into your own thread…
it does not help to spam the community…
if you really want to help, then create an example project as small as possible which demonstrates that issue and add that example project here into this thread… thank you…


I don’t know what shouldn’t work there, it’s a huge battery manager. as I said before it worked. after I received the information from kodular that a new version has been published. I built and tested the app directly and from then on it no longer opened the app. Could it be due to one of the enlargements?

all the community knows up to now is, that for some reason an error “unbound location null” appears…
why this appears is unknown currently… this has to be investigated…

if you really want to help, see my last response…
if you are unable to provide this, then be patient until someone else is able to find out, why this happens… and then hopefully someone of our friends from Kodular might be able to fix it…
