Help, my app is not working

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Hello, I made an application about sensors. I added a few sensors and uploaded the apk file to my phone. Worked. Later I added more sensors but my app does not work anymore on my phone or emulator.

horizontools (1).aia (928.3 KB)

Hi @emredemirtas, welcome to the community ! Instead of adding an AIA, show your blocks.Also please remove this from your topic:

Too much code, is there a shortcut for me to add all

You can just mention what isn’t working, instead of saying my app isn’t working, and add the blocks of this part :wink:

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There is no specific place, the icon of my application doesn’t come to the main menu :wink:

So you must mention that the error isn’t in the sensors you talked about.But i still didn’t understand you, you mean your app doesn’t show in the home screen? don’t being installed?

yes and my device is fine

See here:


Are you sure, that the minSdkVersion should be 28 (→ Android 9)?

The packageName should be: com.brandName.appName
For example in my case: com.bodymindpower.Relax

And check the size of the launcher icon. Yours is 64x64 px.


Does anyone have any idea why the image / screenshot is not showing in Firefox?
→ Left: Firefox → right: Chrome

… strange (→ Firefox) :open_mouth: :upside_down_face:

my device is android 10, which version should i choose, I will do what you say other

I did what you said but it didn’t work

What does not work? Which device & Android version?

  • Set the minSdkVersion = 19 (Android 4.4 / KitKat).
  • Change the packageName as I suggested.
  • Resize the launcher icon to e.g. 96X96 px.
  • Remove some of the 13 screens (→ use virtual screens).

My problem is very clear.
My application works through kodular companion, but somehow I installed it on my phone but the icon does not come to the home screen. I changed the icon(96x96) and the android version, it still didn’t happen Would you try it too?

(there is no problem with my phone.)

App :
Aia : Horizontool.aia (940.3 KB)

Not at all:

  • Topic: “my app is not working”

  • “Later I added more sensors but my app does not work anymore on my phone or emulator.”

  • [quote=“emredemirtas, post:5, topic:85539”]
    There is no specific place, the icon of my application doesn’t come to the main menu

  • [quote=“Mohamed_Tamer, post:6, topic:85539”]
    So you must mention that the error isn’t in the sensors you talked about.

  • [quote=“emredemirtas, post:14, topic:85539”]
    but somehow I installed it on my phone but the icon does not come to the home screen.



Well, it seems that you have two folders in your apk


and also this is missing in your manifestfile due to that
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>

Try this one Horizontool.aia (940.1 KB)

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you are just complicating the solution


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