Help: Push Notification in kodular by using One Signal

Can someone help me in using One signal for push notification? I only want to use simple push notification but when I search some post in kodular the component and block is different.

This is the component that I use
Screenshot 2024-03-18 182040

This the block inside this component

Screenshot 2024-03-18 182101

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Welcome to :kodular: Community.

I think the One Signal component by Kodular Doesn’t work and related extensions cause error while compiling.

Hope this helps.


You might use this extension. (Kodular Premium is required)

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Thank you for the respond. Maybe I’ll try to look for other solution that is available :blush:


I’ll try this. Thanks for the resources :brown_heart:

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@Yoshino if your problem is fix, pls share the right block, its help me and also many people.

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Download link not work

Now it’s Deprecated now solution is paid extension

There is one by me too.

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I live in Bangladesh so I don’t have UPI or PayPal account they don’t work in Bangladesh. Bikash, Nogod and Rocket are payment systems available in our country. Do you have these accounts?

I have a bmc account, which I suppose allows international cards.

I don’t have a credit card for special transactions, I only have a normal debit card that can only be used for ATM withdrawals.:disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

What about bank transfer?

It is possible to transfer from Bangladesh to Bangladesh through the bank. Besides, it is possible to transfer if you have a Bangladeshi bank account

I really need this extension very much. I created an app just can’t send notifications. Please Let me know if there is any other way

Did you check Buy Me A Coffee link?
I have seen developers from Bangladesh using BMC and Stripe.

I checked. it takes credit card but I don’t have a credit card

Can I get this extension through something else?

Like gift card?

Bangladeshi people can use Buymeacoffee/Stripe to receive payment only. It’s very hard to pay globally from Bangladesh.