Help to convert .jks to .keystore

Hello my app was previously made with android studio, and i have a .jks file. and now I want to continue the appl with kodular. how to convert from .jks to .keystore? because kodular only accepts .keystore. i have try to rename to .keystore but it make errror.

This isnt possible to migrate application on android studio to Kodular .

For my knowledge, Application from kodular can be migrated to Android Studio using keystore but it is not possible to migrate android studio project to Kodular.

I did not migrate the project from android studio to kodular. I mean I have the previous keystore which was created via Android Studio but in the form .jks. I just want to need a .keystore so that
Application updates made from kodular are accepted by Google

I have try that and make error when buid.

Then you might rename the file .

Google is your friend . I found this:

And many …

Thank you i will try it

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thanks for all the suggestions, I’ve tried several alternatives but they all didn’t work. finally i found a solution by doing a key upgrade request.

And then i got they reply

Then i send my pem file from .keystore kodular. I use “keystore explorer” to get pem certificate
And then i got approval from google for my new .keystore from kodular

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