I am making a tv application with a CustomWebView extension this application has buttons in a list Vertical_Scroll_Arrangement works all well even when I press more than 5 buttons and the application freezes, please could you help me with this issue
So the issue is due to CustomWebView.
Welcome to the Community
Please can you share your blocks image
I got this extension from the community, I really don’t know that it can be tested with various styles and the same thing happens
Share blocks in English.
Please make your kodular language as english and then share the blocks thanks
thanks i hope your help
I have the apk installed on my cell phone and when I change channels after five buttons or channels it freezes
I’ll make a video later and upload it so you have an idea
Can you give apk we can also check it on our devices
I will send the apk then
How do I upload to apk here?
You can directly upload file using this button
Or you can upload it to google drive and then share the link and firstly making the link public so that we can download the apk
Aditya_Nanda I could not continue writing yesterday because I had to wait 24 hours, he did not let me know that there was a limit of messages in the community I leave the drive file for you to see my application because it sticks CHILEGO.apk - Google Drive