Help with Error 908 when Trying to Upload an Image with ActivityStarter on Kodular

I am facing an issue when trying to upload an image that is selected via the ActivityStarter component in my application. The error I’m getting is Error 908: READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

I think READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE is no longer needed in Android 14, so why is this error appearing for me?

what order of files are you trying to access?
Android 14 does not really require READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to access media content, however, to access files outside media directories, you may need to use SAF (Storage Access Framework).
I recommend changing the approach to accessing the file using SAF

I want users to be able to upload an image to use as their profile picture. The images are pulled through Activity Starter and then I want to store them on my hosting.

I understand that Android 14 does not require READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission to access media content. I can select the image, but when I store them via FTP, error 908: READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE appears.

You mentioned that for these cases it would be better to use SAF
Could you give me more details on how to implement SAF to be able to access and upload these images correctly? What would be the recommended procedure?

but is this used to get the image or to upload it??

You can find it in the link on the topic above. I also recommend reading Open files using the Storage Access Framework  |  Android Developers one way or another you will have to change your approach.

Can you show us an example of ActivityStarter.ResultUri?

Also for newName you not need the working directory

Try to create an example project to only upload an image, for example from the assets to find out where exactly is the error…

Alternatively use a working solution… here is my ftp extension App Inventor Extensions: FTP | Pura Vida Apps

See also
