Help with makers on Google maps

Yes thank you i have found the section but i am not sure which API to use there are like 6 that show up on my google cloud map page is it the javaScript API or one of the others i have no idea.

No idea what API I am supposed to add there are 12 API and 2 SDK showing on the Google cloud map platform.

this is very confusing

So this is your problem. I hope now you will be able to see just like Roger rio… Always follow the suggestion post by him… If you have said this earlier you may got your answer too early…

So, again, we return to a post I’ve already posted :+1:: I posted above :point_up_2:, a post that the user showed :face_with_monocle: with images how to configure. :+1:
Calmly and without anxiety, you will succeed :+1:

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No I can still not get this to work.
I give up, it is stressing me out too much now.
the API did not work I still have a blank map and no markers.
I will come back to this at a later date.
For now i will just use an Image with the locations marked.

Thank you for all your help

I think the problem is with the Android system. I think that the 11 system does not work in the lab "compinon ",
but it works if I import the application and install it. I am now working on maps, but when I want to check, I have to install the application again

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