Help YouTube videos thumbnail extension

Yes I know but not all video thumbnails get in 1080p quality.

can you give the url of the video whose thmbnail is displayed with black border?

Like this :point_down: ?


How did you do it? :hushed::see_no_evil::grin:?

I just cropped the image height-wise using image editor component :grin: . Something like this :point_down:


Oh man
You are great :+1::ok_hand::metal:
And where can I find this extension?

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It’s not any extension. It’s Kodular built-in component called ‘Image Editor’ :point_down:

And I have used its Scale Center Crop method :point_down:

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Thank you so much man :pray:

Or please check this :point_down::point_down:

VideoUtil: Get some information from video (Url/local)

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What you want me to check?

No I am not Great but trying to become Better :slightly_smiling_face:


Ohh… We have that blocks too :sweat_smile:
Actually I don’t have more knowledge of utilities part, because never use those components.
Nice @Vaibhav

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The thumbnail it contains is not getting in the list view.

And you read some of the last messages, you will understand everything.

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Ok will check later as I have closed my laptop now due to some urgent work

Same here.

I just searched the word ‘crop’ in Kodular docs and I got the above block and then tried to implement it for the first time :grimacing:

:point_up: Secret :shushing_face:



Nice, i will keep that secret :shushing_face::zipper_mouth_face:


It’s not working in list view :weary:

Show your blocks

What’s the error?

See :fu::fu:

There must be something wrong in ID.
What’s in that variable.

Show the block of declaring YT_popular procedure

BTW, the emoji you are using to point up is not the right one. It could be by mistake, but this just to let you know.
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If there was a problem somewhere in the block, it would not be a thumbnail show.