Hi iam getting problem to store a image in firebase-store database please help me

please post tutuorial or screenshots of that app :bowing_man: :bowing_man:

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hey i already seen that video previously i tried that too I done each and every step as he mention and check twice a time but iam getting still problem “USER DOESNOT HAVE PERMISSION TO ACESS THIS OBJECT” may i think it is mobile phone required any permission send images to firestorage

I also changed bucket name and security rules in fire base storage and also check package name. It is not mine only problem somany members getting same error inthis community

I am having the same problem, the app companion uses as a project bucket the makeroid-companion.appspot, and we DON’T have access to it,

i checked the google services file we upload in the assets and it’s correct, so I really don’t know why it creates this bug.

Any help, or any explication would be very appreciated.

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