Hide Web Error Message

I am using my own API without any extensions I am using only kodular official components but sometimes I am failing to get response from server sometimes my internet is not working properly still same thing happens…

My question is…
Is there any way to hide this error message ?

because i do not want to expose my actual URL in anyway…

catch the error messagge in the Screen.ErrorOccurred event

alreary using that, but still error message is visible

It would really help if you provided a screenshot of your relevant blocks, so we can see what you are trying to do, and where the problem may be.

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i m getting data from URL using web component but sometimes my server failed to send data and then this happens also if there is no internet connection in device then same happens too

i want to hide that error message because its showing the url from where i m getting data and i dont want to show that in anyway…

i tried what you said

but the error msg is still showing

try using on web1 error occured block

You can catch the error message using the when Screen Error Occurred event Here’s how you can do it:

there is no such blocks like this

already tried but did not work

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the same block not work for me but this block work in when web got text

then use if then block with response code 1101

thanks :heart_eyes: :heart:

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