HLS Player extension returns *nothing*

[*] I checked out #EagleBugs before creating a new topic

Describe your issue

The block “Is it empty?” do not accept an empty string

Steps to reproduce the issue

When an error occurred in the player it threw an error without text, when verifying if it is empty an error occurs

Expected Behaviour

Returns “An unknown error has occurred”

Actual Behaviour

Show your Blocks

Android version

Tested on Android 6.0.1 and 7.1.2

Used: HLS Extension by @Said-Dev


It looks like an issue with the HLS player than the is Empty block. From what I understand, the “error” block is null instead of "".
Can you try showing the “error” block in an alert? If you see the text *nothing*, then it means that the block is returning null.


It is indeed an issue with the HLS player extension. You should contact the developer and ask them to fix this issue.


Saidev extension has problems on kodular
His horizontal is also crashing and hls also not working

  1. The extension formerly crashed ONLY in Companion, it worked fine in exported APK

  2. In the latest update of HLS Player it works normally even in Companion, please contact the developer

Horizontal view v5 not working
Only on companion working
On exported apk crashes :sob:

I have not yet exported my APK, then I will share my results with the player

In any case, contact @Said-Dev

He’s not responding on Gmail

How do you choose your source

I’m getting the same error with Video player and Video picker and it’s the picker that presents this error

Edit, depends on which program I choose to select the source with, in my case Google Photo or Gallery, if Photo then all is ok, if Gallery and if source is on my device all ok else error


You buy extension from me first then ask help