V 2.0.6 Plyr Video Player | Fullscreen, Qualities, Captions, Thumbnail, Attaractive UI

Problem with this extension, Some video URL cannot play video, only audio is playing

Can you list some urls here ??

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Try this link…only audio is playing, Video is not playing

I want to play an mp4 file with 999 cycles. for prayer Can you guide me too. Thank you very much.

hello pardon me for my silly english i am trying my best…There are alots of bugs since the finux update, I just need to confirm that it’s update problem or i am doing some mistake…My plyr video extension suddenly gets stop than u have to click play than it start again it happen 3 to 4 time and than start working proberly…first i thought it has to be my video link problem {i am using hls links} than i try to play it on your given example aia file its working amazing but when i try to play on my app it stops and than u have to play…i copied your code also still same problem…Give your opinion… Thank you

You are doing correctly. We are waiting for kodular to release update as the issue currently being faced by the users is because of the bugs in kodular.

Plus remove the play block from initialize event and use it in onReady event.


Ok, Thanks for your reply…Any idea when kodular gonna fix this

index.html page not found problem showing while using plyr extention

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Same problem

There’s an issue in your extension after kodular update

It was working very well and i really appreciate your work but after kodular update this issue appears
Before / after kodular update

The player is shaking alot now , try to update your extension pls​:star_struck:

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Hello community… Can someone tell is this extension now working properly after finux bugs fix update… I have tried my video getting stop hope it fix soon

After the update, for me it fixed the bug when the apk is compiled. Otherwise it gets a static screen! @zainulhassan

It does not leave this screen with the companion
TESTE.aia (147,9,KB)

Yes working properly

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I have not been able to get it to work.

Can play google drive videos? :slight_smile:

Does this work in MIT AppInventor?

I was testing it on companion and it showed only this, do I have to compile the apk first? Or what is the actual problem?

my guess is, you get this error while using the companion app, because the companion app does not use the path /Makeroid anymore to store the assets starting from Kodular Fenix…
it looks like @KodeBot forgot to mention that in the new features thread Kodular Fenix :fire::bird:


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why is the video link from firebase storage not working?

video player does not play

Can Someone tell me is GDrive Video will work ?