In my app, bookmark option is already given, but it is not working. It is also not shown in designer, it comes up only when i add content. My app consists of many articles, like news app. I would like to have bookmarks and share option in each article.
I am only aware of the fact that it can be done using Tiny DB. But dont know how. Please guide me, if you can.
Well, you have to create a tag which will be an empty list. Then, if the bookmark in a specific field is clicked, set the tag to the last tag + the new item. It should work. With this, you can also make a “clear” button to clear the bookmarks.
Btw how can it be that the name contains spaces? Did you insert the " (1)" yourself? Kodular doesn’t allow spaces in Project names… strange why you haven’t notice that? Anyway,
Yes but don’t you understand??? Also, this project is a whole User Profile fill out form, not only TinyDB. I wouldn’t like if someone just shared it whithout saying that he had it from me.
when i have downloaded the aia from the post name was “EditTinyDB.aia” after when i exported it from kodular the fill will get automatically renamed by my pc to"EditTinyDB(1).aia"… my only purpose was too help neeraj nothing else if someone is having problem I can delete my post
I am using colin tree list view extension and that icon is part of same. How to do?
Only pro users can do it, i am a newbie. What if i share project here? Can someone edit it?
I am new to this. So i dont know what has been explained in this. I want when bookmark button is clicked, value should be stored somewhere and when bookmark screen is opened, it should be found there