How add bookmarks option in app

in this case I will unlist this thread

What should i put in Tag?

Any text…

I mean what would be tag in my app?

Anything. Just don’t keep it blank

And how to use tiny db? Which third party do i need to use to store bookmark data?

Why don’t you try something yourself and if you have any problems then ask it.
You must read the docs to know how to use tinyDB

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Are you mad?

Everything i have provided in above blocks. These are working blocks from my project.

Bookmarks are saved in tiny db, no need to use anything.

Just apply above blocks in your project.

People just copy others work or download ready-made project files from other sources and try to modify them without having basic knowledge and ask here in the community when there are bugs or errors. Why don’t you guys develop by yourself?


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Would you please give me AIA


No I cant!

Blocks are provided, do it yourself.

In my app, what should be equal to yours listview1.selection?

Bookmark item.

The thing/item that you want to save as bookmark.

all values are different, content keeps changing

Which value you want save as bookmark?

Title or subtitle?

1234 etc

Store selected title value in a global variable and use at place of list view selection

ok. give me your apk so that i can understand other things better