How can corner (lift top and right top) radius?

Grade Viwe is run simultaneously on all four sides. My goal is the upper corner right and left sides radius?

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I don’t get it… please write more transparent so we do not have to guess what you mean. What do you actually mean by

? :thinking:

Maybe he want to set particular corner’s radius??

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That was the goal :crossed_fingers:

Yes, that’s exactly what I meant


in cardview set radius to 15

Can you tell me about my guide? And show me his example.

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The community language is English.

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Is it difficult. That we chat in another language?

i send it to your private message

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I text in English.
Sorry friend :pray:

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I think this is what you are looking for.
example (2).aia (1.3 KB)

Am I right?

top Both sides corner radius It should be like this picture. .


Okay wait for a while.
Edit: I found the solution.
Here is the AIA file.
example (3).aia (1.4 KB)

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