How can corner (lift top and right top) radius?

That’s it …

For which component??! We cannot read your mind nor your program. Please say what you want…

If it is CardView, there are Propertys in the Designer. If it’s something else, there is the Decoration component.


Grade Viwe is run simultaneously on all four sides. My goal is the upper corner right and left sides radius?

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I don’t get it… please write more transparent so we do not have to guess what you mean. What do you actually mean by

? :thinking:

Maybe he want to set particular corner’s radius??

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That was the goal :crossed_fingers:

Yes, that’s exactly what I meant


in cardview set radius to 15

Can you tell me about my guide? And show me his example.

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The community language is English.

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Is it difficult. That we chat in another language?

i send it to your private message

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I text in English.
Sorry friend :pray:

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I think this is what you are looking for.
example (2).aia (1.3 KB)

Am I right?

top Both sides corner radius It should be like this picture. .