Nice you use background image for curved in screen1 & login screen
Not necessary to use image,
Can be done by an extension and layout.
Can you provide link to extension.
Pm me I’ll provide you the link
Being a part of community there is nothing like PM to share knowledge. If you have some information worth sharing then share it here itself
Try with arrangement design extension ,that is second one !
Yes, it’s best way without extensions
But using extension gives you sharper borders and edges.
Moreover images in larger screen sizes may become blurry!
Oh thanks, I’ll use a extension for design!
The visual work is perfect.
The merit lies in good taste, creativity, harmony of colors and letters.
I have rarely seen such a lay-out on Kodular. Congratulations.
Note: even if you had used the extension (and I read that you didn’t) good taste and creativity are the factors that determined the final result and not an extension.
Added Dynamic Customlistview integrated with any DB*
how to set card width upto the screen
In properties
Set width to 100%
Use decoration component and set margin to zero
Set marign of surrounding arrangement to 0. If not works, idk what is causing error.
setting margin 0 not works…
Strange. Have you any extensions in your screen?