How can i show my SQLite data in textbox or label column wise

**How can i show my SQLite data in text box or label column wise i have inserted data column wise by text box now i want to receive this data in labels by columns **

use this extension

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This is not enough i want data from SQLite in labels like your table i posted my SQLite inserted data screenshot i want that inserted data like your table type

I have provided the extension which can help you but it doesn’t seem that you have tried… So why not give it a try and if you get an error or get stuck on something we are here to help

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i tried this one. this is good and showing result that i want but my problem with SQLite and this is Tinydb.

What is the problem can you elaborate

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i have created a table through SQLite now i want to show that table data in custom list view that is created with dynamic components.
how can show the table data like this image

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Problem solved now

If you can, show the summary (not necessarily your blocks) of how you solved it. It will be useful in helping others.

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This is the solution. but now i want LIKE statement (not case sensitive) in SQLite for searching
anybody help me for that

Select with the Where like clause,?

Select yourfield1,yourfield2 FROM yourtable Where yourfield1 like variable%
Or %variable or %variable%

They are just examples.

Find :
1-all starting with the content of the variable
Variable = Jo
Return = João , José , Jonh ,Joana , Joelson
2-all that end with the value of the variable
variable = Ana
Return= Liana , Joana , Fabiana
3-all containing the value of the variable in any position
variable = Silva
Return = João da Silva, Carlos da Silva Fernandes, André Silva Souza Tavares

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i tried like that but its not working
please share blocks for this example

only this statement is working…

select id, name, mobile from tb_client where name like?

After the like you should put the value you want to search for in SqlLite. It can be a variable that received the value of a textbox’s TEXT property or the textbox’s TEXT property itself.
select id, name, mobile from tb_client where name like textbox.tex+join+% ( example )

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see what i did… its not working. what is wrong here

or if you have any idea how to filter search in dynamic list
if SQLite command not good for searching then i’ll go with dynamic list search so give me an example for searching SQLite or dynamic list

Good Morning
1- I can’t see your entire Select command .
2- Remove the + sign, leave only the% sign.

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select id, name, mobile from tb_client where name like
but not working

select id, name, mobile from tb_client where name like %search
select id, name, mobile from tb_client where name like search%

Please check the contents of the search variable.

see what i did… its not working. what is wrong here
or if you have any idea how to filter search in dynamic list
if SQLite command not good for searching then i’ll go with dynamic list search so give me an example for searching SQLite or dynamic list

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