Could you please elaborate on the ‘Start Value’ approach? You mean navigating back to Home screen when mute button is pressed, with a variable?
Like this?:
You have to send the value to Settings Screen that the music is mute and when you go back to Home Screen you have to send the value back so you can check it.
You can use the tinyDB to store if the music is mute, so when you come back to Home Screen you get that value and do the if test.
OK, I did a lot of experimenting with the ‘start value’ idea, and the main problem I encounter is that when I open ‘Screen 2’ for a second time, instead of navigating to the old ‘Screen 2’ I left open, it creates a whole new ‘Screen 2’.
So any values I try to change only affect the second instance of ‘Screen 2’, which means the music keeps playing.
Create a tag in tinyDB to be the variable to check the sound status (e.g. soundOn), and write the value yes or no there before you switch to Settings Screen. Once the tag is set with a value, you can call it from every screen you need it.
I would just set the Player1.start before the if test.
That’s why I prefer to work with arrangements, because this process of checking tag in tinyDB will work if you close every screen you switch even the Home one.
So, try to close every screen you switch and to continue the audio that was playing in screen 1, store the audio position in tinyDB before you switch screens and use the block seek to in the audio player in the new Screen (you will need one player component in each screen).
Edit: Close even Home Screen
Sorry if I can’t help you showing blocks right now, I won’t be able to use my computer until next Monday.