How to add event,text to datepicker date


just try to use this app… This is Dynamic calendar V2.0

Dynamic Calendar V2.0
Dyna_calen.apk (5.5 MB)

how I correct it

Can I added this to my app

Can you give me calender aia

you can find the V3.0 aia in the above guide place… I hope it will be hard to understand, but i tried to design there by all to understand… After pressing heart or like please take the aia :wink: :wink: :wink:

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PinPotha_Import8154F1.ais (7.8 KB)

Can you correct this

Any error you are getting

Mostly i won’t use ais, always it will show error for me.

Not saving events

How do you know events are not saving? Did you debug the tinydb get all tags?

I test this screen not save


No, it is saving. actually you want to show the saved event , right?

Is it save events one by one. and how delete any events. how to add remind me notifiaction

can i add my event to calander showing

yes but not with default calendar, but possible with custom calendar

How the events save one by one

can you help me

try something like this, else adjust slightly

I want save event one by one like a list.

  • Birthday
  • Birthday

like this :point_down: :point_down: :point_down: :point_down:

Then you need to use dynamic component just like what I have did in the dynamic calendar guide V3.0. it will be somewhat complicated